There are a few conspiracy theories for the reason of the white horse. In the late 60's the term white horse refereed to cocaine. In the early 70's, Ipswich football club was active in the production and distribution of cocaine in Suffolk buyers. ITFC also worked with the Mafia and small scale drug gangs to increase the clubs own profit margins. The white horse represents cocaine and the castle represents the protection of the trade that the club offers. The river on the logo which is under the horse represents the flow of cash transfer from buyer to seller. This explains why when Ipswich town were not such a good team, the ground would still be full of fans, the stands are places for transactions to occur. The logo in 1972 had no Ipswich on and just had the letter FC, thought this means football club, it could have meant "For Cocaine". This shows that ITFC was projecting a message of "Ipswich Town for cocaine" to potential anarchists and buyers alike. ITFC had its highest attendance when this logo came out in 1972, this was 38,000 fans. The white horse is more dominant than the football which suggests that the football was a side attraction as the main activity was drug taking.
Some evidence of this was also in 1972 when there was a bag of cocaine thrown onto the pitch, there is no exact reason for this but it could be that the team are playing bad or a certain fan has lost respect for the club. This is only a conspiracy but the evidence is there to show it, however, the police have not questioned it.